Friday, February 5, 2021

Ai Watercolor Weekend February 5, 2021


I made this Valentine's Day card for the Art Impressions Watercolor Weekend. If it's from a male to a female, a cute sentiment to put inside would be, "She thinks my tractor's sexy". So if you would like to recreate this card, stamp the tractor from the 5059 Harvest Set after inking it in Tombow 969 and then 565 and stamping it off on scrap paper first. Use the positioner and stamp the truck from the 5011 Truck Mini Set, being sure to only ink the back part of the truck in the same 969 and 565 and stamping it off. I used a pencil to draw in the hearts. Color half of each heart in 856 or 837 and then color the other half in 993. Erase the pencil lines only after the hearts are dry or you could tear the paper. Pull the color out of the lines then color the tractor in 856 and the grey parts in N45. Color the trailer in 977, 856 on the wheels and N45 on the tires. Paint lines in 969 across the trailer. Paint the shadow under everything with 565 then stamp the grass from the 4051 Foliage Set inked in 177. The tall grass is from the 5126 Foliage Set 4 inked in 992. The sky is in 526. Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours!

Supplies used:

Ready for Spring