Sunday, August 20, 2017

Watercolor Wednesdays August 18, 2017

This is my interpretation of Art Impression's Creator Bonnie Krebs' Watercolor Wednesdays on YouTube .  I changed mine to have two pots and a birdhouse instead of three pots like Bonnie did.  I also changed two of the colors.

I realized after I completed the card that the birdhouse doesn't really is a little bit too small for the bird so I decided to call it a hummingbird birdhouse.  I do have lots of hummingbirds in my back yard here in Las Vegas.  I keep two feeders full of sugar water year round and my hummingbirds never fly anywhere else for the winter.  One of my feeders is outside of my kitchen window and I get to see hummingbirds all the time.

Check out Bonnie's YouTube video and try it yourself.  You will love how easy and fun these watercolor cards are to make.


Ready for Spring